With up to 30 GHz bandwidth, the PicoScope 9300 sampling oscilloscopes address digital and telecommunications applications of 10 Gb/s and higher, microwave applications up to 30 GHz and timing applications with a resolution down to 64 fs. Optional 11.3 Gb/s clock recovery, optical to electrical converter or differential, deskewable time domain reflectometry sources (60 ps/7 V) complete a powerful, small-footprint and cost-effective measurement package.
Learn moreAt 12 GHz bandwidth the PicoScope 9200 sampling oscilloscopes address digital and telecommunications of 6 Gb/s and higher, microwave applications to 12 GHz and timing applications with a resolution down to 200 fs. The models include clock recovery up to 2.7 Gb/s, an 8 GHz optical to electrical converter or a time domain reflectometry pulse source of 120 ps transition time. A powerful, small-footprint and extremely cost-effective microwave measurement solution. Designed specifically for the complex task of analysing high-speed electrical signals, the PicoScope 9200 Sampling Oscilloscopes are ideal for many advanced applications including: signal analysis, timing analysis, testing and design of high–speed digital communication systems, network analysis, semiconductor testing, and research and development.
Learn moreEltesta is a company which designs and manufacturers an extensive line of high-performance electronic equipment based on Time-Domain Technologies in Pico- and Nanosecond Areas.
The key point of these technologies is generating and acquiring electrical signals with very fast rise time. Main coaxial and waveguide units of the instruments built under this technology are:
GHz-Samplers, ps-Finite Generators, Wide-Bandwidth Antennas, HF Accessories. All they use very fast semiconductors.