The project “Development of an optical and electrical miniaturized PC-oscilloscope for measuring and analyzing pulse and communication signals in the bandwidth of 30 GHz and more (FemtoTest)”.

No. 02-020-K-0024

UAB “Eltesta”, in order to maintain and strengthen the acquired competitiveness, together with its partner Kaunas University of Technology, in the course of scientific research and experimental development activities, will aim to create an optical and electrical miniature PC-oscilloscope for measurement and analysis of impulse and communication signals in the bandwidth 30 GHz and above. Until recently, the need for an optical and electrical oscilloscope with a bandwidth of more than 10 GHz had to accept high financial costs. However, the proposed new oscilloscope design should become a new value for money standard for gigahertz PC-oscilloscopes. It is planned that these will be one, two or four channel instrument with an optical bandwidth of up to 25 GHz and an electrical bandwidth of up to 30 GHz. These oscilloscopes must be optical, electrical or combined optical/electrical. The oscilloscopes under development should enable the acquisition, display, measurement and analysis of complex waveforms in the range of picoseconds to hundreds of milliseconds. The oscilloscopes are designed for multidisciplinary professionals, engineers working in both research laboratories and the manufacturing sector, who primarily require performance related to flexible broadband signal measurement, including standard pulses, pulses and sine waves, as well as several types of complex signals, gigabit signals. As a direct alternative to traditional desktop oscilloscopes, these devices will be portable and perhaps even miniaturized compared to current oscilloscopes. It is expected that, due to the extremely attractive price, these models should be preferred for educational use in school and university laboratories, providing basic competences in engineering and scientific measurement technologies.

The project’s funding source is co-financed by the European Union.

The value of the project is EUR 799,691.42, of which the financing is EUR 513,210.85.

Project implementation from 2024. in July until 2026 in July

Implementing institution: Innovation Agency of VŠĮ.